Inspiring collaboration at the International Workshop “Green Transformation Skills”

The international workshop “Green Transformation Skills” was held in Varna on 12 June 2024.

The main objective of the event was to raise awareness on transversal green skills in tourism. Thus, the first session of the event focused on the need for transversal green skills in tourism education due to the influence of macro-trends, structural changes in labour market and education policies, and changes in business and people’s mindsets.

Another aim of the event was to present and discuss the developed reports on the ways to integrate transversal green skills in tourism VET in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Turkey.

To demonstrate the practical impact of green skills, the event ended with a culinary demonstration of sustainable approaches for environmentally friendly and economically efficient culinary businesses.

By bringing together more than 30 people – tourism business representatives, VET professionals and people from disadvantaged groups – the workshop provided a dynamic and interactive environment where VET professionals and business representatives effectively collaborated, shared experiences and discussed in order to identify the pathways for integrating transversal green skills in tourism VET and the milestones of a robust methodology for teaching green skills.